Forward OwnTracks low-battery warnings to ntfy#


By subscribing to your OwnTracks MQTT topic, and adding a user-defined filter function, you can make mqttwarn send notifications, for example when your phone battery level decreases below a certain threshold.


As an example, this tutorial will submit notifications to a public topic on However, you can always choose a different notification service provided by mqttwarn, or run your own instance of ntfy. A list of all options is presented on the Notifier catalog page.

The tutorial will expect that you installed the mqttwarn command-line program on your machine, so that you can run it within your terminal. There are different options to install mqttwarn.


Within the mqttwarn configuration file, the launch setting within the The [defaults] section, and the [config:ntfy] service section will define ntfy as a notification target.

The topic section [owntracks/#] will define the MQTT topic mqttwarn will subscribe to, here owntracks/#. Its configuration settings filter, format, and targets, will instruct mqttwarn to format the outbound message like defined by a template string, and dispatch it to the corresponding target address descriptor slot ntfy:testdrive.

# Forward OwnTracks low-battery warnings to ntfy.

functions =
launch    = ntfy

targets   = {'testdrive': ''}

filter    = owntracks_batteryfilter()
format    = My phone battery is getting low ({batt}%)!
targets   = ntfy:testdrive

The user-defined filter function owntracks_batteryfilter() will inspect OwnTracks’ JSON event payload for the value of your phone’s battery level.

Forward OwnTracks low-battery warnings to ntfy.
import json

def owntracks_batteryfilter(topic: str, message: str):
    ignore = True
        data = dict(json.loads(message).items())
        data = None

    if data and "batt" in data and data["batt"] is not None:
        ignore = int(data["batt"]) > 20

    return ignore


Using three terminal sessions, and one browser session, you can exercise the tutorial interactively.


First, let’s start the Mosquitto MQTT broker.

docker run --name=mosquitto -it --rm --publish=1883:1883 eclipse-mosquitto:2.0 mosquitto -c /mosquitto-no-auth.conf

Let’s acquire the configuration file mqttwarn-owntracks.ini, and the user-defined functions file, and start mqttwarn.

mqttwarn --config-file=mqttwarn-owntracks.ini

Before dry-run publishing a JSON message, in order to validate your setup, subscribe to the ntfy topic testdrive, either using your browser of choice,


or a commandline-based HTTP client like curl.

curl -s


Now, when publishing a minimal example JSON event payload, mqttwarn will run a notification to ntfy when the battery level threshold is reached, as instructed.

echo '{"batt": 19}' | mosquitto_pub -t 'owntracks/testdrive' -l

A JSON event with a battery level above the minimum threshold will not trigger a notification.

echo '{"batt": 42.42}' | mosquitto_pub -t 'owntracks/testdrive' -l

An invalid message, which can’t be decoded, will also not trigger a notification.

echo 'foobar' | mosquitto_pub -t 'owntracks/testdrive' -l


This section demonstrates a few alternative methods for solving different aspects of this recipe, and also includes administrative information.

Running mqttwarn as container#

This command will run mqttwarn in a container, using the docker command to launch it. Alternatively, podman can be used. It expects an MQTT broker to be running on localhost, so it uses the --network=host option. The command will mount the configuration file and the user-defined functions file correctly, and will invoke mqttwarn with the corresponding --config-file option.

docker run --rm -it --network=host --volume=$PWD:/etc/mqttwarn \ \
  mqttwarn --config-file=mqttwarn-owntracks.ini

Running ntfy as container#

While this tutorial uses the ntfy service at, it is possible to run your own instance. For example, use Docker or Podman.

docker run --name=ntfy --rm -it --publish=5555:80 \
  binwiederhier/ntfy serve --base-url="http://localhost:5555"

In this case, please adjust the ntfy configuration section [config:ntfy] to use a different URL, and make sure to restart mqttwarn afterwards.

targets   = {'testdrive': 'http://localhost:5555/testdrive'}



  • [o] Define battery threshold level within the configuration file.