Installing mqttwarn on FreeBSD#

With this installation method about how to install mqttwarn on FreeBSD, you will acquire the py-mqttwarn package from the FreeBSD ports tree, and install it on your machine.


pkg install sysutils/py-mqttwarn

Additional service plugins#

In order to add support for a specific service plugin not bundled with the default installation, you will need to install its dependencies manually.

In order to do that, head over to the file of mqttwarn, inspect the list of dependencies, and use the FreshPorts search to figure out the package name of the corresponding dependency on the FreeBSD ports tree, for example py-pyserial or py-slixmpp. Then, install the additional package(s) using pkg, for example:

pkg install comms/py-pyserial
pkg install net-im/py-slixmpp

If some package is not available there, you may consider installing it from the Python package index using pip install <package>, for example:

pip install pyserial slixmpp