mqttwarn development sandbox#


For hacking on mqttwarn, please install it in development mode.

Get hold of the sources, initialize a Python virtualenv, and run the software tests:

git clone
cd mqttwarn
make test

Install extras:

source .venv/bin/activate
pip install --editable=.[xmpp]

You can also add multiple extras, all at once:

pip install --editable=.[asterisk,nsca,desktopnotify,tootpaste,xmpp]

Software tests#

Invoke software tests:

make test

Run individual test cases. For example, to run all “end-to-end” test cases, and turn off coverage reporting, invoke:

source .venv/bin/activate
pytest --no-cov -k e2e

Display and browse code coverage results in HTML format:

open .pytest_results/htmlcov/index.html


The mqttwarn documentation is written in reStructuredText and Markdown, and is rendered using Sphinx and MyST.

MyST, a rich and extensible flavour of Markdown, is a superset of the CommonMark syntax specification. It adds features focussed on scientific and technical documentation authoring. The Markedly Structured Text Parser is a Sphinx and Docutils extension to parse MyST.

Build and view the documentation:

make docs-autobuild

For learning about how to link to references within Markdown documents, please read the MyST Cross-references documentation.

Using VSCode#

For installing the free, non-telemetry version of Microsoft VSCode, invoke:

brew install --cask vscodium

This project includes a launch configuration file .vscode/launch.json. After installing the mqttwarn development sandbox into a virtualenv, for example by invoking make test, VSCode will automatically detect it and will be able to launch the mqttwarn entrypoint without further ado.

Otherwise, setup the virtualenv manually by invoking those commands:

# On Linux
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

# On Windows
python -m venv .venv

pip install --editable=.[test] --upgrade

For properly configuring a virtualenv, please also read those fine resources: